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mAmB mCmD mEmF mGmH mImJ mKmL mMmN mOmP mQmR mSmT mUmV mWmX mYmZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
DATSO A quality matters 3
TERADYNE testing matters 9
SM SUPREME multani matti 3
matting house MH 27
ABHAY +drops & matting 29
mattres 20
SSM SREE SUKRA mattreses 20
BODYLINE mattress 20
BOUNCER spring mattress 20
mattress 20
COCOMATT mattress 20
mattress 20
CURLAN coir mattress +woman 20
DAY DREAMS luxury mattress 20
DORMIRE mattress +ribbon 20
DREAMWELL flexipuf mattress 20
EUROFOAM mattress +stars 22
mattress 20, 24
FORWISH mattress +stars arc 20
FREEDOM basic coir mattress 20
GARG mattress +hexagon crow 20
GILSON spring mattress 6
GREENMATT mattress +key 20
HEAL mattress 20
HEAVEN mattress 20
HSF GOLDEN COIR mattress 20
HSF REAL GOLD mattress 20
KING mattress 20
KURL-ON mattress xpress 35
LAZYBEAR +bear & mattress 20
LIBRA combo mattress 20
LIVIN SPINAL mattress +oval 20
LR LIRA mattress & pillows 20
M MOREFLEX mattress 20
MAGICAL mattress +lamp 20
MAXWELL mattress +woman 20
MINK coir mattress 20
MO MATSON mattress +tree 20
MOLTY coir mattress 20
MONISHH spring mattress 20
NITE STAR luxury mattress 20
ORIENT mattress +squares 20
POPULAR mattress pillows 20
PRIMUS mattress +spiral 20
RAAAZ mattress +oval & arcs 20
RAJ COIR mattress 20
RANGLER mattress 20
REFRESH mattress +leaves 17
REGAL mattress +woman 20
REGENCY coir mattress +chai 7, 8, 14, 18, 26, 27, 28
REPOSE FIBRE mattress 20
RGM REAL GOLD mattress 20
mattress 27
SAFAL mattress +flower 20
mattress 35
SCFP PERFECT mattress 20
SCHLAFEN mattress +woman 20
SLEEPWELL MY mattress +star 20
mattress 20
SLEEPY GOLD mattress +squar 20
SPRINGFIT spring mattress 20
SPRINGRA spring mattress 20
mattress 35
TELFLEX mattress pillows 20
TEXLA coir mattress 17
UDAYA mattress +sun 20
V VICTORIA mattress +crown 20
WESTERN mattress 20
mattress 20
deep sleep mattress 20
kf KING FOAM mattress +crow 20
ribbon & mattress 20
BING mattresses +spiral 20
DPLON magnetic mattresses 20
ECOFLEX mattresses +ovals 21
EVA mattresses 20
FALCON mattresses +bird 20
FASCINATION mattresses 27
GOLDEN mattresses 20
HEENA FOAM mattresses pillo 17
KANGAROOZ mattresses pillow 20
KOZY FLEX mattresses 20
KRISHNA coir mattresses 24
RESTO-PUF mattresses 20
RESTOLITE mattresses +tick 35
RW relaxwell mattresses 20
SAKSHI coir mattresses +tre 20
SHERLON mattresses 20
SM DREEMZ mattresses +oval 20
SM SALIM mattresses +square 20
SPAZE-SUPERB mattresses 20
SUNBEAM coir mattresses 20
SUNBEAM coir mattresses +su 20
SUPREME mattresses +arrows 20
TODAY coir mattresses 20
WINCRAFT mattresses pu shee 24
XPERT mattresses 20
N NILKAMAL mattrezzz +flowe 24
NILKAMAL mattrezzz 24
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